The Invitation of Centering Prayer

The root of prayer is interior silence. Though we generally think of prayer as thoughts or feelings expressed in words, this is only one form of expression.

Centering Prayer is another, very simple way of praying, of listening, of opening our awareness to the Spirit or Creator we know dwells within us. Rather than imposing an artificial unity of thought or belief, Centering Prayer invites us to sit in silence, guided by our own proper principles of faith and the convictions of our own religious traditions. Because of this, it is a form of prayer which can be shared and practiced by those of different faiths without compromising what they believe. Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer, but to refresh, renew, and restore us.

Centering Prayer is an integral part of the transformation and empowerment available through the Making a Difference workshop. We set aside time each day during the course to teach and practice this simple way of prayer.

You can read more about Centering Prayer in this message from Fr. Basil Pennington, former Chairman of the Mastery Foundation and author of several books on Centering Prayer. You can learn more about the origins of Centering Prayer here