Foundation, Legacy & Leadership Sponsors

Sponsors make annual contributions to the Mastery Foundation of $10,000, $25,000 or more. They play a pivotal role in financing the Mastery Foundation’s work in empowering individuals and communities in their ministries, in the reconciliation and healing of divisions, and in creating new conversations and possibilities for the future. Our Sponsors truly extend the reach of the Mastery Foundation internationally — to Northern Ireland and to Israel.

For example, each $10,000 invested in the Mastery Foundation funds:

Levels of Sponsorship

Foundation Sponsors contribute $10,000 or more in a year. This level of giving makes a substantial difference in enabling Mastery’s work.

Leadership Sponsors make a five-year commitment to sponsorship at $10,000 or more per year. Leadership Sponsors recognize the additional impact that their contributions make when they can be counted on years in advance.

Legacy Sponsors make a five-year commitment as Sponsors at $25,000 or more a year. This level of giving is intended to create a lasting legacy. Most recently, the generosity of our Legacy Sponsors has enabled us to begin work on the Mastery Foundation School for Leadership.

Sponsor Participation

All Sponsors are offered the opportunity to attend Mastery Foundation programs during the year that they sponsor. Past opportunities have included:

Attendance at these events is subject to limitations in numbers and includes requirements for your form of participation. In every case, sponsor participation makes a meaningful and positive impact on the event.

Sponsor Communication

As essential members of the Mastery Foundation community, Sponsors may also participate in twice-monthly conference calls for past and present Sponsors. These calls are designed to keep Sponsors connected to the current work of the Mastery Foundation and to give them an opportunity to participate in shaping the Mastery Foundation’s work and outreach.

For more information about how you can become a member of the Sponsor community, please contact us.

In the photo above: Sponsors who attended and participated in the advanced Intensive program in Northern Ireland in November 2005.