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The Mastery Foundation
1 Charlton Court, #104
San Francisco, CA 94123
800.890.8540 voice 415.474.6128 fax


May God bless you and keep you.
May God's face shine upon you and be gracious unto you,
May God give you the grace not to sell yourself short,
Grace to risk something big for something good;
Grace to remember that the world is now too dangerous
for anything but truth,and too small for anything but love.

May God take your eyes and see through them.
May God take your lips and speak through them.
May God take your hands and work through them.
May God take your heart, and set it on fire.

© THE MASTERY FOUNDATION | information@masteryfoundation.org
1 Charlton Court, #104, San Francisco, CA 94123 | Tel.800.890.8540 | Fax.415.474.6128